foh all der Lifetym..
Tymz we fought wid our fnz nd siblings
The tymz v Screamed,
Tymz we were afraid to face the dark
The tymz v Cried,
Tymz we behaved crazy for the gifts we want
The tymz v Hated,
Tymz we refused to go to school
The tymz v Cheated,
Tymz we skipped doin our homeworks
The tymz we Laughed,
The tymz we Forgot,
Tymz we slept hearing a bedtym story
It was all Perfect..
But for SomeOne,
Their Childhood makez No memory
nd if it does...dey only remember
Working,working,and working
from the morning sunlight
to the evening twilight
They wakeup wid the Sun
they hold dose Pens
not to go 2 school
but to write those bills
They get Tired
not playin wid Fnz
but working till d day endz
someone to change der lifez
All we do is watch dem
and forget abut it the next day
Busy wid our daytoday livez
We wish to Act nd v fail to
Lets Make that Wish Strong
dan d reason that Stopz
Letz Take that Xtrastep
to look into der eyes nd stop der Pain
And i thank Dr.PratibhaSingh garu who xplained diz as the TBTC (Too-Busy-T0-Care) syndrome in Her article on Childarbour.It was surely an Eyeopener for me,as even I've seen children working as carpenters,cleaners,welders,working in hotels,grocery stores and many Public places at a very young age..but juz used to walkout of the Place thinking i cud do nothing to stop it.
Post this to ur Favourite Websites,blogs nd social nw'ing sites and show that you nolonga suffer from the TBTC syndrome !!Dont skip ,this could be an eyeopener to Someone and indeed change someones Life :)