Feelin' Enchanted..at itz shorez,
rejoicin wid Fnz..as d cool wind blowz Walkin' on d warm White sandz , gazin at d Shining sky and shellz Floatin' & swimmin' in d Blue waterLand, jumpin' al around Hand-in-hand Thowin' the Green Algae in Scare , catchin' the Pink JellyFish with careDivin' in as the Raindropz Fall,hearin itz soundz at d Oceanz wallStanding in d middle of sky-ocean interface,feelin' d Rain as it touches our FaceGettin' completely wet , drenched in the Rain,lettin ourself dry in the sunshine againThe Nature was treating us as itz Friend,we were juZz lost in itz Perfect blend !!
All these were my Real Xperiences of 12hrz of yesterday @Karolina bulgar(a place in Ukraine)beach .. juz written in a Poeticway! I heard the Rain with oceans Ear by taking a dive into it..It was the sound that i never Heard before ..was soundin little scary but surely Amazin & Awsme as it was sensin' musical ♫..The jellyfish were TransparentPink nd very tender that i was even afraid to touch directly,juz holded it in my handz along with the water :)
We Played Kabadi,Volleyball,Batminton,runninRace and boys had more Fun than us..We gotto invent some new names for the games they were Playin? :P
We were juz watchin dem nd Laughin lyk Hell =] .
We were catchin al d attention of Ukrainianz while we were playin Kabadi :)
Guess dey found it Intrestin ,Indianz Rock \m/ ;)
It was a Beautiful cloudy Day with Rain,Amazin evening Sunset wid a Crescent Moon in d Ni8 <3
Wil soon UL some more pix of our Trip !! ~
cudnt take a better snap of it..as v wer. in d Train ^^